March 16, 2019

Get out of Jail Card

Sheldon Silver uses his get out of jail card again

Slippery and Shady or just unseemly?!?

Silver, 75, faces seven years in prison if his conviction stands. He has been out of jail on $200,000 since he was first charged in 2015.

In 2016, the US Supreme Court issued a ruling that narrowed the definition of an “official act” and how it’s used to instruct juries’ public corruption convictions, which has led judges in lower courts to press prosecutors harder on whether a pol’s allegedly illegal acts might just be unseemly.

Two of the panel's three judges questioned whether Silver's actions fit the definition of a public corruption crime.
Circuit Judge Richard Sullivan said a description by prosecutors of what Silver promised to do in return for business steered to a law firm was "pretty squishy."

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