January 5, 2015

Top Republican open to gas tax increase

The incoming Republican leader of the Senate Transportation Committee said Sunday an increase is up for consideration, as "we have to look at all the options."

"I don't think we take anything off the table at this point," John Thune said on "Fox News Sunday."

Prices at the pump are at the lowest point in years -- the nationwide average has tumbled more than a dollar in the last year, reaching $2.20 on Monday.

The feds currently collect 18.4 cents in tax per gallon of gasoline.

January 3, 2015

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Bloomberg News Boston Bombing Suspect Loses Bid to Delay Trial Over Venue Fight

Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
In this courtroom sketch, Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is depicted sitting in federal court in Boston, on Dec. 18, 2014. Source: Jane Flavell Collins via AP Photo

Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev lost an eleventh hour bid to delay his Jan. 5 trial, as a split federal appeals court rejected his argument that the federal terrorism case should be moved out of Boston.

Tsarnaev has argued the trial should be moved because jurors in Massachusetts will be biased against him, given the severity of the April 2013 attack, which killed three and injured scores of others.

Tsarnaev, 21, faces possible execution if convicted.


January 2, 2015