November 12, 2016

Robert Vaughn, Man from UNCLE actor, dies aged 83

Robert Vaughn, who died of leukemia today at 83, is being remembered on social media by fans and colleagues in and out of Hollywood, particularly from the U.K.

November 5, 2016

Fall Back: Daylight Saving Time Ends Sunday

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Be prepared to "fall back" early Sunday morning, as people across the United States gain an hour of sleep with the end of daylight saving time.

The switch happens Nov. 6 at 2 a.m. local daylight time. Most devices connected wirelessly to the internet will automatically "fall back" to 1 a.m. local standard time, but don't forget to change any clocks that need a manual change, such as a wall or microwave clock.

October 25, 2016


At the Fair, there will now be about 40 exhibitors providing a one-stop shopping opportunity for answering all one's energy-related questions, and thereby outlining how one can reduce one's carbon footprint. There will also be children's activities and food. In addition to exhibitors, there will be a series of 15-minute presentations on different topics. Admission and parking are free.For more details, go to: or: