Showing posts with label Obamacare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obamacare. Show all posts

October 1, 2013


Obama: Shutdown is result of ideological crusade

Posted at: 10/01/2013 5:35 PM

President Barack Obama addresses the nation on the government shutdown, Tuesday afternoon.
NBC News
(AP) WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama says House Republicans have shut down the federal government over an "ideological crusade" against his health care law.

June 28, 2012

Health Care Dissent

WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney, reacting to the Supreme Court's health care ruling Thursday, said, "I agree with the dissent."
The dissent tosses out the entire health care law, dismissing the case for it as "feeble" and a "vast judicial overreach." It argues that "against a mountain of evidence," its backers offer only the "flimsiest of indications to the contrary."

Here's What Obamacare Actually Does For You

Peter Koechley
Now that we know that Obamacare (er, the Affordable Care Act) is constitutional — thanks, Chief Justice Roberts! — the question returns to: "Wait, what's in Obamacare again?" Share this to remind people why they're happy today.


Supreme Court: Required Healthcare is constitutional

WASHINGTON -- The individual health insurance mandate is constitutional, the Supreme Court ruled Thursday, upholding the central provision of President Barack Obama's signature Affordable Care Act.
 Five justices concluded that the mandate, which requires virtually all Americans to obtain minimum health insurance coverage or pay a penalty, falls within Congress' power under the Constitution to "lay and collect taxes."