December 24, 2014

Kenneth White's father denied custody of other two kids

Updated: 12/23/2014 6:27 PM
Created: 12/23/2014 12:19 PM
By: Anna Meiler

Jayson White hoped to get custody of his two daughters who were in the Knox trailer home last week when their brother, Kenneth White, 5, was murdered.
Their cousin, Tiffany VanAlstyne is charged with killing him.
Many aspects of the family's history came to light inside that court room that led the judge to believe it's in best interest of Kenneth’s sisters to remain in foster care.
Kenneth's father, Jayson White, broke down crying when his custody was denied.
“I'm here to fight for my kids. I will fight ‘til my dying day for them kids to stay out of the home where they had to witness their brother get murdered in cold blood,” he vowed.

December 23, 2014

In 2015, Time Warner customers will see an increase in their bills

Updated: Tuesday, December 23 2014, 07:18 PM EST  ALBANY - Time Warner Cable customers will see an increase on their bills come the new year, the cable company is raising three existing fees and adding a new, "sports programming" surcharge of $2.75 per month. The increase for Capital Region customers will start with the January 18th billing cycle.
A spokesman for Time Warner Cable tells CBS6 the cost the cable company pays to carry sports networks has gone up more than 90% in the past 5 years.
"It just got worse and worse and worse and I said, I've had it, I was just waiting for the best deal, so I went with one of the satellite companies," says Michael Calcone of Watervliet who was a TWC customer until just a few months ago.


DA: Guns smuggled on planes in Atlanta an 'egregious' security breach

Atlanta (CNN) -- The breakup of a gun smuggling ring allegedly involving a current and former Delta Air Lines employee has exposed what a New York prosecutor described as an "egregious breach of security" at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.

Brooklyn District Attorney Kenneth Thompson said Tuesday that the investigation was "deeply troubling" -- not only for the havoc the gun running unleashed on the streets but because of the vulnerability to acts of terrorism on air travel that it revealed.
We have an egregious breach of security" at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport because airport employees "are not required to go through screening," said Thompson.
In total, 153 guns were recovered as part of a complex investigation that Thompson outlined by using charts and surveillance video during a press conference in New York.

  • NEW: "This is an important wake-up call," analyst says of employee screening
  • 153 guns were recovered as part of a complex undercover investigation, DA says
  • Delta employees entering their parking lot and the secure area of the airport aren't screened
  • Agent: After clearing security, the employee met an accomplice in a restroom with a backpack

December 22, 2014

Joe Cocker leaves legacy as one of music's best voices


LONDON — Singer and songwriter Joe Cocker has died, according to the BBC.

Cocker’s hits include “You Are So Beautiful” and “With a Little Help from My Friends” and “Ain’t No Sunshine.”

He was 70-years old.