February 13, 2015

Sailing away on The good ship Lollipop

Shirley Temple dies

Shirley Temple Black, who rose to fame as arguably the most popular child star in Hollywood history, died late Monday night, her publicist said.

She was 85.

February 12, 2015

Why you shouldn't give your doctor your Social Security number

Consumer Reports February 10, 2015 3:00 PM
You’re filling out a pile of forms at the local hospital or when seeing a physician. You jot down your name, address, and insurance information. Then you come to a space for your Social Security number. Should you fill in those precious nine digits? If it’s your doctor or hospital asking, the answer is “No!” But it’s not so simple if you have Medicare or the question comes from your health insurance company. 
Here’s what you need to know.
Bob Simon, an award-winning CBS News correspondent whose career spanned nearly 50 years and many major international conflicts, was killed in a car crash in Manhattan on Wednesday. He was 73.
Mr. Simon, who was in his 19th season as a correspondent for “60 Minutes,” won dozens of honors, including 27 Emmy Awards and four Peabody Awards, in a career that dated to the 1960s. He covered many significant news events during the course of that career and, as a war correspondent, was captured by Iraqi forces near the Saudi-Kuwait border during the opening days of the Persian Gulf war in January 1991.

He wrote about that experience in his 1992 memoir,  The title referred to the length of his captivity.  Read more from the NYTimes

Do you own or manage land along a stream?

The Hudson Estuary Trees for Tribs Program offers free native trees and shrubs for planting along the tributary streams in the Hudson River Estuary watershed. We are looking for new sites for plantings. Our staff can help you with a planting plan and work with your volunteers on site.

Trees for Tribs is now accepting applications for Spring 2015 planting projects. Applications received by March 1, 2015 will be given preference.

For more information about the program including project applications and fact sheets, please visit the DEC website,www.dec.ny.gov/lands/43668.html or contact the Hudson River Estuary Program's Stream Buffer Coordinator, Beth Roessler at (845) 256-2253,  or HudsonEstuaryTFT@dec.ny.gov .

Since 2007, Trees for Tribs has been responsible for planting more than 36,000 native trees and shrubs along 17 miles of stream with the help of over 7,500 local volunteers. These plants will help protect water quality, fish and wildlife and also reduce erosion and flooding.

Please forward this email to potentially interested landowners and partners.

Thank you,
Beth Roessler
Stream Buffer Coordinator, Hudson River Estuary Program/ NYS Water Resources Institute, Cornell University

Headlines than caught my eye...News in a Nutshell