January 25, 2016

Olympians Compete

After years of competing in the Special Olympics, the Stride Adaptive Sports swim team swam against peers who don’t have special needs.

January 23, 2016

New Opportunities at Schodack Island
SCHODACK LANDING - The public is invited to a forum, hosted by the Friends of Schodack Island State Park, on the new campground at Schodack Island State Park. The forum will be held at 7:00 PM on Monday February 1, 2016 at the Schodack Landing Fire House on Fire House Lane in Schodack Landing.

January 20, 2016

Stop the pipeline

To Register:
Go to FERC’s website — www.ferc.gov

Who says crime doesn't pay?

Sheldon Silver's pension is official: $6,600 a month

ALBANY -- He was convicted and tossed from office, but former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver is still getting his pension: $6,602 a month.

Silver's pension comes to $79,224 a year, according to the final calculation from the state Comptroller's Office.

Silver, D-Manhattan, the speaker from 1994 through January 2015, put in for his retirement on Dec. 1 -- just days after he was convicted on corruption charges in federal court.