November 3, 2010

Election Results

Let everybody know what you think about the outcome of the local elections -

Governor, Andrew Cuomo - no surprise here.  Even if Carl Paladino had kept is cool, chances are Cuomo's name and reputation would have carried him to the Governor's mansion.

I think the fact that Jimmy McMillan of The Rent is Too Damn High party, received 39,740 of New York's support is a surprise. 

While democrats Kirsten Gillibrand and Charles Schumer easily won new Senate terms, hardly noticing the Republican wave that swept over the nation, Scott Murphy was defeated in his re-election bid  by Republican challenger Chris Gibson. Even as he was celebrating his victory, Gibson reached out to Murphy, saying that, as a successful businessmen, Murphy would be part of the solution in the future. Classy.

Locally, Michael Kenney was elected to the Schodack Town Council. Kenny narrowly beat challenger Linda Underwood for the seat to which he had been appointed following the death of Ken Stinner.  Kenney took just under 300 more votes than did Underwood. 

So ends another election season.  Till next time...stay involved in your community, let your voice be heard in Schodack, Albany and Washington.  

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for bring back independent news coverage to Schodack and Castleton. It may take some time to catch on but I am sure "The Scene" will be the go-to place for all the news.

    Thanks again!


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