Showing posts with label consolidation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label consolidation. Show all posts

March 11, 2013

From the Troy Record

Schodack Central School District's energy savings rewarded with grant

The Schodack Central School District is one of 12 across the state to receive a portion of a $9 million grant as a reward for finding $9 million in energy savings.

School districts across the state were invited to apply for the grant by demonstrating how innovative cost-savings were implemented in their districts. The dozen schools found efficiencies and savings in their district’s operations, in areas such as transportation, maintenance staff, and administrative support. As models, these districts will serve as roadmaps for other districts to follow when containing costs which continue to escalate every year.

“Our education system must become more efficient and direct spending away from the bureaucracy into the classroom,” said Gov. Andrew Cuomo. “The 12 districts we are awarding today stand out as leading examples and will serve as models for other districts across the state.”
Schodack was awarded $298,761 over three years for identifying a total of $331,956 in eligible savings by consolidating and reducing central office administrative responsibilities and positions and installing solar panels.