April 22, 2014

10 Big Companies That Pay No Taxes (and Their Favorite Politicians)

JD Hancock/Flickr
—By Gavin Aronsen
| Fri Apr. 13, 2012 3:00 AM PDT
Between 2008 and 2011, 26 major American corporations paid no net federal income taxes despite bringing in billions in profits, according to a new report (PDF) from the nonprofit research group Citizens for Tax Justice. CTJ calculates that if the companies had paid the full 35 percent corporate tax rate, they would have put more than $78 billion into government coffers.
Here's a look at the 10 most profitable tax evaders and the politicians their CEOs, employees, and PACs give the most money to.

200 Girls Still Missing in Nigeria

One Week After Abduction, More Than 200 Girls Still Missing in Nigeria

Image AP / Haruna UmarBorno state governor Kashim Shettima, centre, visits Chibok, Nigeria, were gunmen abducted more than 200 students. (AP / HARUNA UMAR)

One week after their abduction from their school, more than 200 girls are still missing in Nigeria, as anger and criticism grows over the military's failure to stave off attacks by Islamic extremists. The schoolgirls, aged between 16 and 18, were taken in the early hours of the morning last Tuesday from a remote boarding school in Chibok, northeast Nigeria, reportedly by the Islamist extremist group Boko Haram. The group's name translates into, "Western education is a sin," and it's thought that the girls will be used as sex slaves and cooks.
“It seems every time the military trumpets a success in its ‘onslaught on terrorists,’ the extremists step up the tempo and deadliness of attacks,” Faul and Umar write.
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April 19, 2014

A Casino in East Greenbush?

Another invitation for local gamblingEast Greenbush board welcomes "any reasonable" offer

By Jordan Carleo-Evangelist
Published 10:42 pm, Friday, April 18, 2014

East Greenbush

Another Capital Region community is batting its eyelashes at the deep-pocketed casino industry.

The East Greenbush Town Board voted unanimously this week to back "any reasonable" casino development proposals within its borders — though Supervisor Keith Langley said they have no formal proposal in mind and the legislation leaves the definition of "reasonable" open to interpretation.
The resolution, a late addition to the agenda that passed with little public notice, specifically mentions the financial benefits to communities selected by the state to host the four new upstate resort casinos "especially given the fiscal conditions the town is now facing."
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April 16, 2014

Smartphones Make Us Stress More

True, the latest smartphone that can do it all should, potentially, make our lives easier. Only they can actually boost our stress levels too, according to recent British research. By relying on our phones to do everything for us, they also appear to foster a “relentless need,” so we end up constantly checking them or responding to various emails, texts, social media updates, you name it. It appears this dependence makes us anxious and stressed out.
Try: Out of sight, out of mind. Leave your phone in the other room at night or stuck in your pocket (not on the table) when you’re out with friends.

April 15, 2014

April 13, 2014

Schodack Central School District may devote entire building to business incubator

Apr 8, 2014, 7:07am EDT UPDATED: Apr 8, 2014, 9:32am EDT 

The business incubator at Schodack Central School District has been so successful in its first year that superintendent Robert Horan wants to open an entire building to startup companies.

The district has proposed relocating middle school students in response to declining enrollments, leaving an entire building open to business and community.

A district capital project would relocate middle school students in the Rensselaer County district. Since 2009-10, enrollment has declined by 145 students and projections indicate all students could be housed in the elementary and high school. Moving middle school students into the elementary and high school building would leave the middle school open for business and community space.